Calvary Pentecostal Church Kenora


Our Mission

We appreciate you visiting our website and hope that you get to know a little bit about us as well as what you can expect when coming to visit our community. Calvary Pentecostal Church was founded in Kenora in 1938, and is situated on the north shore of the beautiful Lake of the Woods. This community is home to about 15,500 people in the winter and thousands of cottagers and visitors during the summer months. The area serves as a hub for many government services, industries & businesses in North Western Ontario and is nestled in the midst of a number of indigenous communities. In this backdrop Calvary Pentecostal Church shares the truths of scripture with a 21st Century relevance as relating to our everyday lives. John 4:23,24 says God is Spirit and those who worship HIM should do so in Spirit and Truth, this is our goal in providing a place of worship.

Pastor Mike & Cathy Davis

began pastoring at Calvary November 2018 after 2 successful long-term pastorates in Sioux Lookout On & Brandon MB. They envision a community of people connecting with God and each other.

We welcome you to join us if you live in the area or if you are visiting Kenora during your travels.


We value an authentic and growing relationship with God which is demonstrated by a hunger for His Word, participation in personal and corporate times of prayer, and a lifestyle that reflects the character of Christ.

We value loving and supportive relationships with others which will create a sense of belonging, will result in healthy interaction, and will be conducted in a welcoming atmosphere.

We value inspiring and servant hearted leadership which will focus on mentoring, will be visionary, and will serve with integrity.

We value strategic and compassionate outreach which will take place both locally and globally through long term partnerships with the result of people coming to Christ.

We value creative relevant ministry, we will seek to be inclusive, encourage participation, and enjoy the experience of serving.

We value Spirit-led worship which will be skillfully led, engaging, and trans-formative.

What We Believe

In the Bible as the inspired Word of God. (2 Tim 3:15 – 16; 2 Peter 1:21)

In the Only Living and True God, eternally existing in Three Persons, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. (Deut 6:4; Matt 28:19)

In the creation of man by God, in man’s total depravity through sin. (Gen 11:27; Heb 2:6,7; Romans 5:12; Jer 17:9)

In the Deity of Christ, His Virgin Birth and sinless life. (John 1:1; Is 7:14; 1 Peter 2:22)

In the Redemption through the Blood of Christ, His Bodily Resurrection, His Ascension, and His High Priestly Ministry. (Eph 1:7; Acts 2:31 – 33; Heb 7:24,25)

In Justification by faith and the New Birth as essential for personal salvation. (Gal 2:16; John 3:5 – 7)

In the Infilling of the Holy Spirit, giving power for service, and manifesting both the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. (Acts 1:8, 2:4; Gal 5:22,23; 1 Cor 12 – 14)

In healing of the body as provided by Christ’s death. (Is 53:4; Matt 8:16,17; James 5:14 -16)

In the observance of the ordinances of Christian baptism by immersion for believers, and the Lord’s Supper. (Matt 28:19; Acts 8:37,38; 1 Cor 11:23 – 26)

In the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Tim 4:1; Acts 1:11; 1 Thess 4:13 – 18)

In the Eternal destiny of man in either Heaven or Hell according to his acceptance or rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. (John 5:28,29; 14:2,3; Rev 20:6,11 – 15)

What Can You Expect

An awareness of God’s presence through Worship

To hear God’s Voice through HIS Word

Experience God’s Love through HIS Body